2025 Mediumship Development Classes
Weekly classes from Sept 2025 to May 2026
$80 a month. Textbook- $20, Membership $15.
Mediumship Classes help you develop your natural talents and enhance your personal relationship with your version of Divine Love. We learn to connect with unseen aspects of our reality and to harness all aspects of perception. Some side effects of these classes may cause an increase in self esteem, a new ability to understand yourself and to trust yourself. Another side effect is meeting a group of amazing people and making life long heartfelt connections . Class seating is limited to 15-20 committed students Email Divinelightspiritualchurch@gmail.com for questions and to confirm your spot. Classes can be audited at a cost of $20 a class( Visit us and see if it is for you) until Nov 1st, After that our development circle will be closed.
Cost is $60 a month. Rev Catherine Ramdeen is the facilitator
Beginners Mediumship Development
Tuesdays at 7:00pm
September 13th to May 19th
Class topics will include
Introductions and Expectations,
Code of Conduct Meditation contact with the spirit world +ground and protect
Prayer explanation discussion, protection and on eleven affirmations of protection meditation
Meditations Learning to meditate awareness , body awareness and mindfulness
*Attunement discussions of difference between psychic ad mediumship,
Sketches , Psychic Symbolic, Discussion on intuition - Psychometry
Introduction to clairs and 11 steps of mediumship, Clairvoyance, clairaudience – Ink blots, Clairgustanance ,Clairalience, Chapter 6, Claira cards
Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Deepening your connection,
attaching and detaching from spirit, meditation
*Universal Life force Meditation, attunement to higher realms
*Spirit guide, Doorkeeper Meditation, mediumship practice circle
Spirit guardians, Spirit Guides, Rising above 9 step messages
9 step message practice, Pineal Gland Activation, Billet reading – Soul Meditation
Automatic writing introduction, Chakra discussion and meditation
Auras learning and practicing how to see and read them, Discussion on trance and channeling and practice, Angels 101, Scramble toss readings
Managing and Identifying , making friends with Ego
Final Review Mock exam with other students
Final Exam
Please be on time as door will be locked for the meditation part of the class.
There is a meditation in each class, This will help you deepen your relationship and build trust.
Missing 6 classes will disqualify you from graduation privileges.
If class is cancelled by the teacher we will make it up at a mutually agreed time
Intermediate Class
at 7:00p Wednesdays
Class topics will include
Introductions and Expectations, Code of Conduct
Powering down and Powering up, Candle gazing, Re attunement to higher level of mediumship
Physical Mediumship, Witnessing Séance Recordings
Discussing Trance and Brainwave states. Differentiating Mental and Physical Mediumship
White Light,
What is it, how to experience it
White Light Clearing
Review of Chakras Working through Chakras 1 through 22 Accessing Higher Realms
Working through connecting deeper with your doorkeeper, automatic writing
Increasing and Deepening your Experience of the Clairs through meditation and mediumship
Psychic Symbolic messages with Mediumship
Deep Meditation Class, upgrading your current mediumship skill and discernment abilities
Self Healing with Spirit
Introduction to Crystals,
Opening and Closing off the Connection to spirit, discernment, discussion on what and attachment is, how to control and how to rid yourself of it.
16 step messages
Power Animals
Spirit Guardians and Time Spirals
Havens and Aura Reading Practice
Flower Readings and Sightless Psychometry, Crystal Ball Basic
Dowsing and Pendulums
Physical Mediumship
Mediumship for Excellence
Doorkeeper and Guide deepening experience Intermediate Automatic writing
Interplanetary Travel and Remote Viewing
Managing and Identifying; making friends with Ego
Soul Rescue, Shadow work
Missing 6 classes will disqualify you from graduation privileges.
If class is cancelled by the teacher we will make it up at a mutually agreed time.
Advanced Class
Thursdays at 7:00pm
Class topics will include
Introductions and Expectations, Code of Conduct
White Light Meditation,
– present level, discussion of development and what is needed to advance further Pages – to 19 ( pg 49) Mediumship Games Clairvoyance, Clairaudience Chapters 3 and 4
Mediumship claircognizance and clairsentience intensifying sensitivity.
Chapter 5 Mediumship. White light meditation and kundalini power
Distance Readings1 Distance readings 2
Palm Readings, Palm Readings and Mediumship circle practice
Astrology, Pg 121 Spirit telepathy Dot meditation,
Healing with mediumship, identifying personal issues.
Ascension in mediumship, Channeling inspirational claircognizant speeches
Channeling, Conscious channeling / Numerology, Semi Conscious and hypnotic Channeling, Soul Rescue, Tarot Card Readings spreads and practice
Intro to shamanism, Using shamanism to ascend
Smudging Infusing light into matter. Blessing items (the Evite)
Using shamanism to ascend, Journey through the web of life
Using shamanism to ascend , Power Animals and Totems, meeting and integration their energy to your life
Using shamanism to ascend Medicine Wheel
Class on drumming healing, Using shamanism to ascend - Journeying
Wicca and use to ascend.
Managing and making friends with Ego Shadow work
Telekinesis, Final Review Exam
Successful completion of this course will award you the designation of Certified DLSC Medium
6 classes missed will not allow you to graduate.
Please be on time as door will be locked for the meditation part of the class.
There is a meditation in each class, This will help you deepen your relationship and build trust.
Missing 6 classes will disqualify you from graduation privileges.
If class is cancelled by the teacher we will make it up at a mutually agreed time
Mother Teresa's Anyway Poem
People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered;
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;
It was never between you and them anyway.
Mother Theresa